Reflections on the Instagram Marketing Strategy Course via HubSpot

3 min readJan 6, 2021

So I decided to do a few quick courses to update my-self on the latest tips and strategies that are taking place in the social media landscape. I signed up with HubSpot since I saw this particular course and it came at a right time for me since I was also volunteering with CatchaFire for a non-profit in Hawai to help them set up their Instagram profile.

Before you jump into this course, I should tell you that at present this course does not include a certification. Yes, I know *sigh*. All that work and no way to tell the World of your achievements. But fret not, in the HubSpot Community, I’ve put in an idea asking them if they can include a certificate of participation or a badge for these types of courses. HubSpot has two types ‘ Awards’ and ‘Certificates’. (thanks to caiello, HubSpot Moderator for the insight)

The Instagram Marketing Strategy Course is an ‘ Award’ course and hence does not get a certificate. So let’s see how this course is and what all it covers.

Time required: 3 hours

Lessons: 7

Quizzes: 6

There are six parts to the course. And each part has videos and a quiz at the end to test what you’ve learnt. I like the way the course is structured and the overall presentation, videos, aesthetics, voice and content (of course) is nicely done.

You may think that it is for only three hours so I can sit at one go and finish it. It’s not going to work that way. Since I was working on a live project I was able to use some of the examples from here and share it with my own experiences as a Social Media Strategist. I took a month to complete this course.

The course also has a worksheet which was useful. It is a checklist of items one must complete for an Instagram profile. I recommend using it and you can access it here.

It’s better to use parts of this course to apply to projects and revisit and reapply, etc. That helps in cementing what all has been learnt.

Some of the topics covered are:

The course also has insights from folks who are working in this field. They all share their ideas and what all they have been doing and it’s good to read and check out other Instagram profiles I would have probably not heard of otherwise.

One such handle and case study I liked was grainsurfboards.

There is a lot this course can offer you. Whether you are setting up or scaling your own Instagram handle or a clients, it is a course with a lot of knowledge and resources to get you ahead.

Overall, it is a good choice to learn more about Instagram since it has much higher engagement than facebook, Pinterest and twitter. If you do take this course, let me know what you felt on my facebook page called ‘digital journos

Happy Learning!




Digital Marketer & AI Enthusiast | Social Media Strategist | Freelance Content Writer & Digital Skills Trainer